Anyone can go through a serious difficulty due to events that personally affect them or happen to those closest to them (spouse, children, friends, etc.). Individuals facing physical or mental distress are not able, even for a short period, to safeguard their own personal and/or economic interests.

In 2004, Law No. 6 introduced the figure of the Guardian.



The Gurdian, appointed by the guardianship judge, is tasked with assisting the vulnerable person, supporting them in carrying out daily life activities.

The purpose of Guardianship, which has profoundly revolutionized our legal system, is to enhance and support the vulnerable person, referred to as the beneficiary, in meeting their needs and requests.

The beneficiary retains their capacity to act in performing daily life activities that are not exclusively within the competence or assistance of the legal Guardian.



The Guardianship is an extremely flexible tool that can be tailored to each individual case:

  • The tasks of the Guardian can involve economic/administrative/bureaucratic or healthcare matters, or both, and can be modified over time.
  • It can be established for a fixed or indefinite period.
  • It can be revoked if the beneficiary no longer needs it.

The entire process of Guardianship, from appointment to cessation, occurs under the constant supervision of the guardianship judge of the place where the beneficiary resides or is domiciled.